Tuesday, July 10, 2007


I usually listen to Glenn Beck while driving in the morning. Sometimes he gives me food for thought and sometimes not. Glenn ranted about the muslims banning coed schools. I see nothing wrong with that. Common sense would tell anyone that the muslims are smart when it comes to this sort of thing and I expect that the kids manage to stick to their lessons better. Americans, particularly evangelical billybobs and our zionist rulers, will disagree with such common sense just as they disagree with 'profiling' at airports and other ports of entry even though we have yet to see a White man or woman with a bomb strapped to them. Americans, it seems, can only make up their minds on a lack of common sense and agreeing with whatever the jewish hierarchy in DC tells them they should believe. That hierarchy has some weird leftist elements that oppose this profiling and deporting muslims while the other end of the hierarchy, on the right, wants to nuke these people.

White nationalists figured out long ago how to avoid such strife. Stay out of nations you don't belong in and keep out those that don't belong in your nations. For those that are diehard multicultists, I recommend reading about the Tower of Babel in Genesis or the fall of the Roman Empire for instructive lessons in how multiculturalism really works. The world of the typical Amerikwan is like a first grader's. It fails to account for reality. That's okay. Reality is going to smack us and some will come around while others will perish.

That is a story about Swedes forcing young, elementary school age boys to wear dresses and take female names for as long as several weeks while in school. Meanwhile, Swedish women are targets of rape gangs made up of Muslim and African immigrants. Way to go. Swedes. You are committing racial and national suicide. I suppose your boys will grow up to be court eunuchs in the Caliphate.

Meanwhile, the President of a nation in an area of the world that never invented the wheel has decided that he can circumvent laws of economics.

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